John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
Why not live a life like seemingly everyone if it’s more fun, right? Obviously, a Christian life will seem silly to people who just don’t get it. They don’t get that the life of a Christian is better. Well, they might think it’s better, but it surely can’t be fun too, right. That is also wrong.
OK, well, in this verse above who is the thief? The thief would be Satan and his goal is, so you don’t see this other reality, this better reality, this reality that could even be satisfying in all ways.
Anyway, it seems statistically the thief or wolf, as it called in other verses, is successful. This is because the whole of armor of God is not used and I think a critical component is alone time with God, as discussed in the previous post.